The Katy Laugh
I was at a ThetaHealing(tm) workshop a few weekends ago. This one trance medium called Katy Simmone had a very unusual way of laughing. It seemed like her chest was going to burst open every time she laughed. Most people laugh with their mouth. It seemed like she was trying to send air out through […]
giddy with laughter
Amble around as if giddy from laughter and before you know it, you are silly with laughter.
my craiglist ad
Howdy! Welcome to the Nature Park Laughter Club, where you stimulate your natural laughter reflex and laugh good loud and long. Your body, mind and spirit reap the benefits of laughter, whether real or simulated. It turns out that your body improves whether you are laughing cuz something is funny or cuz you did laughter […]
Nature Park Laughter
Today was my first day laughing out on Mother Earth. It will not be my last 🙂 This is a very charging and clearing experience. Here are the exercises: receive love from Earth. Joyfully (with laughter) store into your chakras using your hands listen to the birds. then laugh like the birds observe the branching […]
ascending pitch and head
Drop your head to look at your stomach. Raise your head and the pitch of your laugh at the same time!!!! Tons of fun!!!!
Early morning solo laughter
lion laughter laughter every step laughter every sound laughter every sight laughter windmill shower everything with laughter the trees/external objects tickle you laughter every smell arm as measure stick laughter wizard laughter laughter milkshake laughter every skin sensation rolling on back and sides laughter holding back laughter then explode childlike laughter This list is designed […]
Laughter Systems
I went through 10 pages of googling for laughter yesterday. I have so far found these systems: * Madan Kataria – * Steve Wilson – * Guru Ramesh Pandey – * Annette Goodheart – * Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – * Some unknown guy –
Guru Yogi Ramesh in a Rave Spoof
It cracked me up, maybe you will like it too.. If nothing else, it has some great dance music!