22 Feb, 2025
1 min read

Float Intensive

Here is a new tank intensive schedule, designed to make sure that the transition from wake to sleep and sleep to wake are spent in the tank. If you need to opt out of a meditation session for something else, feel free: Below the hours of the clock are listed in military time: float float […]

1 min read

What is The Quiet Center?

The Quiet Center is: the name of my wellness center – http://www.TheQuietCenter.org  the name of a book written by John Lilly, scientist, mystic, consciousness explorer and the inventor of the floatation tank. It actually was his book, combined with a transformational experience in the floatation tank that led to me forming this wellness center. * Scientifically, it is the […]

1 min read

Floatation tank sanitation – we are squeaky clean

The floatation tank differs from traditional spas in 3 important ways: 1. it is salt water, not clear water 2. it is single person not multiple person use – thus the possibility of one user’s organic waste harming another is eliminated. Continuous chlorine levels and continuous pump running is not necessary. Tank filtering occurs between […]

1 min read

Journey to a healthy floatation tank

How nice. The Columbus City Department of Environmental Health is offering a free course on Pool and Spa safety. I think this is a good way to learn about safety for related devices and see just how sanitary our floatation tanks are. I know for a fact that we dont have as many things in […]

1 min read

Thus begins the Quiet Center

I started out this float with systematic relaxation using the Silva UltraMind System. Once that was over, I became bored.. but what do we know about boredom: “You have to do something to be bored” — Chogyam Trungpa And this is true. Boredom is a form of mental impatience and expectancy. The tank dissolves it […]